A road accident is probably one of the most stressful risks drivers must prepare for in their everyday lives. You should know how much of a shock it puts your body through If you have ever been in an accident, even if it is just a minor fender bend.
The crunching of metals followed by high-pitched screams and panicked gasps, which almost immediately follow, the frightened look on the faces of those around you and the instant regret almost feels like it is too much to bear.
Therefore, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the procedures to follow an accident.

Here are three main tips to ensure that you remain in control and assess the situation with a clear head.
Stop and secure your vehicle and try to stay calm
The most important thing to do in response to a collision is to stop your vehicle since driving away from the scene is considered a criminal offence that would worsen the situation. Once you have stopped, secure the parameter by taking the necessary safety measures to alert other drivers that there has been an accident. CMH Honda Pinetown recommends that you put out a triangle at least 45m. In addition to that, you should also turn on your hazards.

Take down all necessary information
Make it a point to collect the details of the other party involved in the accident.
CMH Honda Pinetown emphasizes the importance of collecting the details below:
- Take pictures of all damages suffered by both parties.
- Take down the relevant parties’ ID number, home address, cell phone number, and insurance details.
- Take note of actions that may have resulted in the accident, such as talking on a mobile device, drunk driving, or speeding.
- Contact information of the witnesses and the names of the police officers.

Report the accident
Collect all the relevant details and report the accident at the nearest police station. You will be required to give a statement and a brief description of the accident. Subsequently, you will receive an Accident Report (AR) number. CMH Honda Pinetown recommends safekeeping of the report as it used to track the progress of the investigation with the insurance company and the investigating officer.
CMH Honda Pinetown understands the importance of staying safe on the road. However, it is not always up to us and sometimes beyond our control.
Nevertheless, we must follow correct procedures after an accident to ensure protection from costly consequences. Stay Safe during the festive season. We wish you safe travels wherever you may be.

031 714 3600
157 Josiah Gumede Road(Old Main Road)Pinetown